Monday, 21 March 2011


As part of proPassion's little contribution to creating awareness about YUBERACTIVE, we have decided to shoot a short film regarding the site to raise awarness amongst the youths! The video is wholely produced by the team on a low budget scale, all from scratch -  and is hoping to at least sneak some smiles and interest into what YUBERACTIVE really is.

As part of the preparation, there was a casting session held during the usual proPassion meetings. Selected candidates from the committee itself were asked to read a set of dialog to describe YUBERACTIVE in an exciting manner.

 This is Adele Chow, who is known for her quirkiness and traits of being a sport so we believed that she was a good candidate to be casted!

Next up was Francisca, who was chosen because she was an individual of expressions and had shown much determination to play the role of the main lead upon hearing the proposal of the storyline.

Lastly, it was Mei Lee - who was chosen due to her her softspoken nature, as it was exactly what we have wanted to look for in the characteristics of the main girl.

 The commitee members were all judges to the casting and decision was made final when we went through a voting process to decide who read the script with the most enthusiastic tone. After a round of votes, it has been decided that our main lead of the YUBERACTIVE video would be...........


Ms. Francisca Lim!

[Sneak Preview]

Coming Soon : Behind the Scenes of YUBERACTIVE Promotional Video Shoot.

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