The 23rd of February 2011 marked the official contract signing session of the January 2011 semester as part of proPassion Communications. Another prominent event was also the inauguration ceremony of the Operations Director for January semester 2011.
With 26 members, proPassion is prepared to take on the task of partnering Mypartners to promote upcoming site YUBERACTIVE. More details regarding the site will be unleashed as soon as it is officially launched. Please stay tuned to this exciting project that we have under our guards!
Part of proPassion listening tentatively to Ms.Thaera, our project advisor, while she advises on the mechanics of the project.
The whole committee has been divided into two groups; being the Events team as well as the Marketing Communications team. We were all advised about our duties and obligations by our respective Assistant Operation Directors before proceeding to the signing ceremony.
Events team signing into proPassion Communications.
Group photo of Events team which is headed by Ms. Amanda Quah.
Next was a smaller team of Marketing Communications.
Ms.Abigail Ngai has been appointed as the Assistant Operation Director for Marketing Communication team.
Finally, we have our official Operations Director - Mr. Eric Chan.
We are looking forward to a motivated working environment with a youthful team of fresh ideas!
Coming up next : Official Introduction of proPassion members.